American Accent Training A guide to speaking and pronouncing colloquial American English

American Accent Training A guide to speaking and pronouncing colloquial American English  


Table of Contents
Read This First CD 1 Track 1
What Is Accent?
Can I Learn a New Accent?
Accent versus Pronunciation
"Which Accent Is Correct?"
"Why Is My Accent So Bad?"
Less Than It Appears ... More Than It Appears
Language Is Fluent and Fluid
A Few Words On Pronunciation CD 1 Track 2
Tense Vowels? Lax Vowels?
Voiced Consonants? Unvoiced Consonants?
Pronunciation Points
Telephone Tutoring
Preliminary Diagnostic Analysis CD 1 Track 3
Chapter 1 American Intonation
The American Speech Music CD 1 Track 4
What to Do with Your Mouth to Sound American
American Intonation Do's and Don'ts
What Exactly Is Staircase Intonation?
Three Ways to Make Intonation
Exercise 1-1: Rubber Band Practice with Nonsense Syllables CD 1 Track 5
Staircase Intonation CD 1 Track 6
Statement Intonation with Nouns
Statement Intonation with Pronouns CD 1 Track 8
Exercise 1-3; Noun and Pronoun Intonation CD 1 Track 9
Statement Versus Question Intonation CD 1 Track 10
Emotional or Rhetorical Question Intonation
Exercise 1-4: Sentence Intonation Test CD 1 Track 11
Exercise 1-5: Four Main Reasons for Intonation CD 1 Track 12
1. New Information
2. Opinion
3. Contrast
4. Can't
Exercise 1-6: Pitch and Meaning Change CD 1 Track 13
Exercise 1-7: Individual Practice CD 1 Track 14
Exercise 1-8: Meaning of "Pretty" CD 1 Track 15
Exercise 1-9: Inflection CD 1 Track 16
Exercise 1-10; Individual Practice CD 1 Track 17
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Overdo It
We All Do It
Exercise 1-11: Translation CD 1 Track 18
Intonation Contrast
Exercise 1-12: Create Your Own Intonation Contrast CD 1 Track 19
Exercise 1-13: Variable Stress CD 1 Track 20
Exercise 1 -14: Make a Variable Stress Sentence CD 1 Track 21
Application of Intonation CD 1 Track 22
Exercise 1 -15: Application of Stress CD 1 Track 23
How You Talk Indicates to People How You Are CD 1 Track 24
Exercise 1-16: Paragraph Intonation Practice CD 1 Track 25
Exercise 1-17: Staircase Intonation Practice CD 1 Track 26
Exercise 1-18: Reading with Staircase Intonation CD 1 Track 27
Exercise 1-19: Spelling and Numbers CD 1 Track 28
Exercise 1-20; Sound/Meaning Shifts CD 1 Track 29
Exercise 1-21: Squeezed-Out Syllables CD 1 Track 30
Syllable Stress CD 1 Track 31
Syllable Count Intonation Patterns
Exercise 1-22: Syllable Patterns CD 1 Track 32
1 Syllable
2 Syllables
Exercise 1-22: Syllable Patterns continued CD 1 Track 32
3 Syllables
Exercise 1-22; Syllable Patterns continued CD 1 Track 32
4 Syllables
Exercise 1-23; Syllable Count Test CD 1 Track 33
Complex Intonation
Word Count Intonation Patterns CD 1 Track 34
Exercise 1-24: Single-Word Phrases CD 1 Track 35
Two-Word Phrases
Descriptive Phrases CD Track 36
Exercise 1-25: Sentence Stress with Descriptive Phrases CD 1 Track 37
Exercise 1 -26: Two Types of Descriptive Phrases CD 1 Track 38
Exercise 1 -26: Two Types of Descriptive Phrases continued CD1 Track 38
Exercise 1-27: Descriptive Phrase Story—The Ugly Duckling CD1 Track 39
Set Phrases CD 1 Track 40
A Cultural Indoctrination to American Norms
Exercise 1-28: Sentence Stress with Set Phrases CD 1 Track 41
Exercise 1-29: Making Set Phrases CD 1 Track 42
Exercise 1-30: Set Phrase Story—The Little Match Girl CD 1 Track 43
Contrasting a Description and a Set Phrase
Exercise 1-31: Contrasting Descriptive and Set Phrases CD 1 Track 44
Exercise 1-32: Two-Word Stress CD 1 Track 45
Descriptive Phrase Set Phrase
Summary of Stress in Two-Word Phrases
First Word
Second Word
Exercise 1-33; Nationality Intonation Quiz CD 2 Track 1
1. an Américan guy
2. an American restaurant
3. Américan food
4. an American teacher
5. an Énglish teacher
Exercise 1-34: Contrasting Descriptive and Set Phrases CD 2 Track 2
Exercise 1-35: Contrast of Compound Nouns CD 2 Track 3
Exercise 1-36: Description and Set Phrase Test CD 2 Track 4
Exercise 1-37: Descriptions and Set Phrases—Goldilocks CD 2 Track 5
Grammar in a Nutshell CD 2 Track 6
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Grammar... But Were Afraid to Use
Exercise 1-38; Consistent Noun Stress in Changing Verb Tenses CD 2 Track 7
Exercise 1-39: Consistent Pronoun Stress In Changing Verb Tenses CD 2 Track 8
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Exercise 1-40: Intonation in Your Own Sentence CD 2 Track 9
Exercise 1 -40: Intonation in Hour Own Sentence continued CD 2 Track 9
1-40: Intonation in Your Own Sentence continued CD 2 Track 9
Exercise 1-41: Supporting Words CD 2 Track 10
Exercise 1 -42: Contrast Practice CD 2 Track 11
Exercise 1 -43; Yes, You Can or No, You Can't? CD 2 Track 12
Exercise 1 -44: Building an Intonation Sentence CD 2 Track 13
Exercise 1 -46: Regular Transitions of Nouns and Verbs CD 2 Track 15
Exercise 1-47: Regular Transitions of Adjectives and Verbs CD 2 Track n
Exercise 1-48; Regular Transitions of Adjectives and Verbs CD 2 Track 17
The Miracle Technique CD 2 Track 18
A Child Can Learn Any Language
Exercise 1 -49: Tell Me Wədai Say! CD 2 Track 19
Exercise 1-50: Listening for Pure Sounds CD 2 Track 21
Exercise 1-51 : Extended Listening Practice CD 2 Track 22
Reduced Sounds CD 2 Track 24
Reduced Sounds Are "Valleys"
Exercise 1-52; Reducing Articles CD 2 Track 25
Exercise 1-53: Reduced Sounds CD 2 Track 26
Exercise 1-53: Reduced Sounds continued CD 2 Track 26
Exercise 1-53; Reduced Sounds continued CD 2 Track 26
Exercise 1-53: Reduced Sounds continued CD 2 Track 26
Exercise 1-53: Reduced Sounds continued CD 2 Track 26
Exercise 1 -53: Reduced Sounds continued CD 2 Track 26
Exercise 1-54: Intonation and Pronunciation of "That" CD 2 Track 27
Exercise 1-55: Crossing Out Reduced Sounds CD 2 Track 28
Exercise 1-56; Reading Reduced Sounds CD 2 Track 29
Word Groups and Phrasing CD 2 Track 30
Pauses for Related Thoughts, Ideas, or for Breathing
Exercise 1-57: Phrasing CD Track 31
Exercise 1-58: Creating Word Groups CD 2 Track 32
Exercise 1-59: Practicing Word Groups CD 2 Track 33
Exercise 1-60: Tag Endings CD 2 Track 34
Chapter 2. Word Connections CD 2 Track 35
Exercise 2-1 : Spelling and Pronunciation CD 2 Track 36
Liaison Rule 1 : Consonant / Vowel
Exercise 2-2: Word Connections CD 2 Track 37
Exercise 2-3: Spelling and Number Connections CD 2 Track 38
What's the Difference Between a Vowel and a Consonant?
Exercise 2-4: Consonant / Vowel Liaison Practice CD 2 Track 39
Exercise 2-4: Consonant / Vowel Liaison Practice continued CD 2 Track 39
Liaison Rule 2: Consonant / Consonant
Exercise 2-5: Consonant /Consonant Liaisons CD 2 Track 40
Exercise 2-6: Consonant / Consonant Liaisons CD 2 Track 41
Exercise 2-7: Liaisons with TH Combination CD 2 Track 42
Exercise 2-8: Consonant / Consonant Liaison Practice CD 2 Track 43
Liaison Rule 3: Vowel / Vowel
Exercise 2-9: Vowel / Vowel Liaison Practice CD 2 Track 44
Liaison Rule 4: T, D, S, or Z + Y
Exercise 2-10; T, D, S, or Z + Y Liaisons CD 2 Track 45
T + Y = CH
Exercise 2-10: T, D, S, or Z + Y Liaisons continued CD 2 Track 45
D + Y = J
S + Y = SH
Z + Y = ZH
Exercise 2-10: T, D, S, or Z + Y Liaisons continued CD 2 Track 45
Exercise 2-11:T, D, S, or Z + Y Liaison Practice CD 2 Track 46
Exercise 2-12; Finding Liaisons and Glides CD 2 Track 47
Exercise 2-13: Practicing Liaisons CD 3 Track 1
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Exercise 2-14: Additional Liaison Practice CD 3 Track 2
Exercise 2-15: Colloquial Reductions and Liaisons CD 3 Track 3
Exercise 2-15: Colloquial Reductions and Liaisons continued CD 3 Track 3
Spoon or Sboon?
Exercise 2-16: Liaison Staircases CD 3 Track 4
Chapter 3. Cat? Caught? Cut? CD 3 Track 5
The [æ] Sound
The [ä] Sound
The Schwa [ə] Sound
Silent or Neutral?
Vowel Chart
Exercise 3-1 : Word-by-Word and in a Sentence CD 3 Track 6
Exercise 3-2: Finding [æ], [ä], and [ə] Sounds CD 3 Track 7
Exercise 3-3: Vowel-Sound Differentiation CD 3 Track 8
Exercise 3-4: Reading the [æ] Sound CD 3 Track 9
The Tæn Mæn
Exercise 3-5: Reading the [ä] Sound CD strack 10
A Lät of Läng, Hät Walks in the Garden
Exercise 3-6: Reading the [ə] Sound CD 3 Track 11
What Must the Sun Above Wonder About?
Chapter 4. The American T CD 3 Track 12
Exercise 4-1 ; Stressed and Unstressed T CD 3 Thick 13
Exercise 4-2: Betty Bought a Bit of Better Butter CD 3 Track 14
Betty Bought a Bit of Better Butter
Exercise 4-3: Rute 1—Top of the Staircase CD 3 Track 15
Exercise 4-3; Rule 1—Top of the Staircase continued CD 3Track 15
Exercise 4-4: Rule 2—Middle of the Staircase CD 3 Track 16
Exercise 4-5: Rule 3—Bottom of the Staircase CD3 Track 17
Exercise 4-5: Rule 3—Bottom of the Staircase continued CD 3 Track 17
Exercise 4-6: Rule 4—"Held T" Before N CD 3 Track 18
Exercise 4-7: Rule 5—The Silent T CD 3 Track 19
Exercise 4-9: Karina's T Connections CD 3 Track 21
Exercise 4-10: Combinations in Context CD 3 Track 2:
Exercise 4-11 : Voiced and Unvoiced Sounds with T
Exercise 4-12: Finding American T Sounds CD 3 Track 24
Voiced Consonants and Reduced Vowels
1. Reduced vowels
2. Voiced consonants
3. Like sound with like sound
4. R'lææææææææææx
Chapter 5. The El CD 3 Track 25
L and Foreign Speakers of English
Location of Language in the Mouth
The Compound Sound of L
L Compared with T, D, and N
T and D
Exercise 5-1 : Sounds Comparing L with T, D, and N CD 3 Track 26
T/D Plosive
Exercise 5-1 ; Sounds Comparing L with T, D and N continued CD 3 Track 26
Exercise 5-2; Sounds Comparing L with T, D, and N CD 3 Track 27
What Are All Those Extra Sounds I'm Hearing?
Exercise 5-3: Final El with Schwa CD 3 Track 28
Exercise 5-4: Many Final Els CD 3 Track 29
Exercise 5-5: Liaise the Ls CD 3 Track 30
Exercise 5-6: Finding L Sounds CD 3 Track 31
Exercise 5-7: Silent Ls CD3Track32
Exercise 5-8: Hold Your Tongue! CD 3 Track 33
Exercise 5-9: Little Lola CD 3 Track 34
Exercise 5-11 : Final L Practice CD 3 Track 36
Exercise 5-12: Thirty Little Turtles In a Bottle of Bottled Water CD 3 Track 37
Exercise 5-13: Speed-reading CD 3 Track »
Exercise 5-14: Tandem Reading CD 3 Track 39
Voice Quality CD 3 Track 40
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Exercise 5-15: Shifting Your Voice Position CD 3 Track 41
Chapter 6. The American R CD 3 Track 42
The Invisible R
Exercise 6-1: R Location Practice CD 3 Track 43
Exercise 6-2 : Double Vowel with R CD 3 Track 44
Exercise 6-3: How to Pronounce Troublesome Rs CD 3 Track 45
Exercise 6-4: Zbigniew's Epsilon List CD 3 Track 46
Exercise 6-5: R Combinations CD 3 Track 47
Exercise 6-6; The Mirror Store CD 3 Track 48
Exercise 6-7: Finding the R Sound CD 3 Track 49
Telephone Tutoring
Follow-up Diagnostic Analysis CD 3 Track 50
Chapters 1-6 Review and Expansion
Miscellaneous Reminders of Intonation
Liaisons and Glides
Cat? Caught? Cut?
The American T
The El
The American R
Application Exercises
Review Exercise 1 : To have a friend, be a friend. CD 3 Track 51
Review Exercise 2: To have a friend, be a friend. CD 3 Track 52
1. Intonation
2. Word groups
3. Liaisons
4. æ, ä, ə
5. The American T
6. The American R
7. Combination of concepts 1-6
Review Exercise 3: Get a Better Water Heater! CD 3 Track 53
Review Exercise 4: Your Own Sentence CD 3 Track 54
Review Exercise 5: Varying Emotions CD 3 Track 55
Review Exercise 5: Varying Emotions continued CD 3 Track 55
Review Exercise 6: Realty? Maybe! CD 3 Track 56
Review Exercise 7: Who Did It? I Don't Know! CD 3 Track 57
Review Exercise 7: Who Did It? I Don't Know! continued CD 3 Track 57
Review Exercise 8: Russian Rebellion CD 3 Track 58
Two-Word Phrases
Review Exercise A: Contrasting Descriptive and Set Phrases CD 3 Track 59
Review Exercise B: Intonation Review Test CD 3 Track 60
Three-Word Phrases
Review Exercise C: Modifying Descriptive Phrases CD 3 Track 61
Review Exercise D; Modifying Set Phrases CD 3 Track 62
Review Exercise E: Two- and Three-Word Set Phrases CD 3 Track 63
Review Exercise F: Three-Word Phrase Summary CD 3 Track 64
Review Exercise G: Three-Word Phrase Story—Three Little Pigs CD 4 Track 1
Review Exercise H: Sentence Balance—Goldilocks CD 4 Track 2
Four-Word Phrases
Review Exercise I: Multiple Modifiers with Set Phrases CD 4 Track 3
Review Exercise J: Compound intonation of Numbers CD 4 Track 4
Review Exercise K: Modify ing Three-Word Set Phrases CD 4 Track 5
Review Exercise L: Four-Word Phrase Story—Little Red Riding Hood CD 4 Treck 6
Review Exercise M: Building Up to Five-Word Phrases CD 4 Track 7
Review Exercise 9: Ignorance on Parade CD 4 track 8
Review Exercise 10: Ignorance on Parade Explanations. CD 4 Track 9
Review Exercise 10: Ignorance on Parade Explanations continued CD 4 Track 9
Chapter 7. Tee Aitch CD 4 Track 10
Exercise 7-1 : The Throng of Thermometers CD 4 Track 11
Run Them All Together [runnemälld'gether]
Anticipating the Next Word
Exercise 7-2: Targeting The TH Sound CD 4 Track 12
Exercise 7-3: Tongue Twisters CD 4 Track 13
Chapter 8. More Reduced Sounds CD 4 Track 14
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Exercise 8-1 : Comparing [u] and [ü] CD 4 Track 15
Exercise 8-2: Lax Vowels CD 4 Track 16
Exercise 8-3; Bit or Beat? CD 4 Track 17
Exercise 8-4: Bit or Beat? Bid or Bead? CD 4 Track 18
Exercise 8-5: Tense and Lax Vowel Exercise CD 4Track 19
Exercise 8-6: The Middle "I" List CD 4 Track 20
Exercise 8-7: Reduction Options CD 4 Track 21
Exercise 8-8: Finding Reduced Sounds CD 4 Track 22
Exercise 8-9: How Much Wood Would a Woodchuck Chuck? CD 4 Track 23
Exercise 8-10; Büker Wülsey's Cükbük CD 4 Track 24
Exercise 8-11: A True Fool CD 4 Track 25
Intonation and Attitude
Exercise 8-12: Nonverbal Intonation CD 4 Track 26
Chapter 9. "V" as in Victory CD 4 Track 27
Exercise 9-1 : Mind Your Vees CD 4 Track 28
Exercise 9-2: The Vile VIP CD 4 Track 29
Exercise 9-3: Finding V Sounds CD 4 Track 30
Chapter 10. S or Z?
Exercise 10-1 : When S Becomes Z CD 4 Track 31
Exercise 10-2: A Surly Sergeant Socked an Insolent Sailor CD 4 Track 32
Exercise 10-3: Allz Well That Endz Well CD 4 Track 33
Exercise 10-4: Voiced and Unvoiced Endings in the Past Tense CD 4 Track 34
Exercise 10-5: Finding S and Z Sounds CD 4 Track 35
Exercise 10-4; Application Steps with S and Z CD 4 Track 36
Exercise 10-7: Your Own Application Steps with S and Z CD 4 Track 37
Chapter 11. Tense and Lax Vowels
Exercise 11-1; Tense Vowels CD 4 Track 38
Exercise 11 -2: Tense Vowels Practice Paragraph CD 4 Track 39
Exercise 11-3: Lax Vowels CD 4 Track 40
Exercise 11-4: Lax Vowels Practice Paragraph CD 4 Track 41
Exercise 11-5: Take a High-Tech Tack CD 4 Track 42
Exercise 11 -6: Pick a Peak CD 4 Track 43
Grammar in a Bigger Nutshell
Exercise 11-7: Compound Nouns and Complex Verbs CD 4 Track 44
Exercise 11-7: Compound Nouns and Complex Verbs continued CD 4 Track 44
Exercise 11-7; Compound Nouns and Complex Verbs continued CD 4Track 44
Exercise 11-8: Your Own Compound Nouns CD 4 Track 45
Exercise 11-9: Your Compound Nouns and Complex Verbs CD 4 Track 46
Exercise 11-10: Practical Application—U.S./Japan Trade Friction CD 4 Track 47
The Letter A
Exercise 11-11: Presidential Candidates' Debate CD 4 Track 48
Chapter 12. Nasal Consonants CD 4 Track 49
Exercise 12-1: Nasal Consonants CD 4 Track 50
Exercise 12-2: Ending Nasal Consonants CD 4 Track 51
Exercise 12-3: Reading Nasal Consonant Sounds CD 4 Track 52
Exercise 12-4: Finding [n] and [ng] Sounds CD 4 Track 53
Chapter 13. Throaty Consonants
Exercise 13-1: Throaty Consonants CD 4 Track 54
Exercise 13-2: The Letter X CD 4 Track 55
Exercise 13-3: Reading the H, K, G, NG, and R sounds CD 4 Track 56
Exercise 13-4: Glottal Consonant Practice Paragraph CD 4 Track 57
Telephone Tutoring
Final Diagnostic Analysis CD 4 Track 58
Chapters 1-13. Review and Expansion
Review Exercise 1-1: Rubber Band Practice with Nonsense Syllables
Review Exercise 1-2; Noun Intonation
Review Exercise 1-3: Noun and Pronoun Intonation
Review Exercise 1-4: Sentence Intonation Test
Review Exercise 1-6: Pitch and Meaning Change
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Review Exercise 1-7: Individual Practice
Review Exercise 1-8: Meaning of "Pretty," "Sort of," "Kind of," and "Little"
Review Exercise 1-9: Inflection
Review Exercise 1-10: Individual Practice
Review Exercise 1-11: Translation
Review Exercise 1-12: Create Your Own Intonation Contrast
Review Exercise 1-13: Variable Stress
Review Exercise 1-14: Make a Variable Stress Sentence
Review Exercise 1-15: Application of Stress
Review Exercise 1-17: Staircase Intonation Practice
Review Exercise 1-18: Reading with Staircase Intonation
Review Exercise 1-19: Spelling and Numbers
Review Exercise 1-20: Sound/Meaning Shifts
Review Exercise 1-21: Squeezed-Out Syllables
Review Exercise 1-22: Syllable Patterns
Review Exercise 1-25: Sentence Stress with Descriptive Phrases
Review Exercise 1-23: Syllable Count Test
Review Exercise 1-24: Single-Word Phrases
Review Exercise 1-26: Two Types of Descriptive Phrases
Review Exercise 1-27: Descriptive Phrase Story—Snow White and The Seven Dwarves
Review Exercise 1-28: Sentence Stress with Set Phrases
Review Exercise 1-29: Making Set Phrases
Review Exercise 1-30: Set Phrase Story—Our Mailman
Review Exercise 1-31: Contrasting Descriptive and Set Phrases
Review Exercise 1-32: Two-Word Stress
Review Exercise 1-34: Contrasting Descriptive and Set Phrases
Review Exercise 1-35: Contrast of Compound Nouns
Review Exercise 1-36: Description and Set Phrase Test
Review Exercise 1-38: Consistent Noun Stress in Changing Verb Tenses (5 disk)
Review Exercise 1-39: Consistent Pronoun Stress in Changing Verb Tenses
Review Execise 1-40: Intonation in Your Own Sentence
Review Exercise 1-41: Supporting Words
Review Exercise 1-42: Contrast Practice
Review Exercise 1-43: Yes, You Can or No, You Can't?
Review Exercise 1-44: Building an Intonation Sentence
Review Exercise 1-45: Building Your Own intonation Sentences
Review Exercise 1-46: Regular Transitions of Nouns and Verbs
Review Exercise 1-47: Regular Transitions of Adjectives and Verbs
Review Exercise 1-48; Regular Transitions of Adjectives and Verbs
Review Exercise 1-51; Extended Listening Practice
Review Exercise 1-53: Reduced Sounds
Review Exercise 1-55: Crossing Out Reduced Sounds
Review Exercise 1-56: Reading Reduced Sounds
Review Exercise 1-57: Phrasing
Review Exercise 1-60: Tag Endings
Review Exercise 2-1: Spelling and Pronunciation
Review Exercise 2-4: Consonant / Vowel Liaison Practice
Review Exercise 2-8: Consonant/Consonant Liaison Practice
Review Exercise 2-9: Vowel / Vowel Liaison Practice
Review Exercise 2-11: T, D, S, or Z + Y Liaison Practice
Review Exercise 2-12: Finding Liaisons and Glides
Review Exercise 2-13: Practicing Liaisons
Review Exercise 3-1: Word-by-Word and in a Sentence
Review Exercise 3-3: Vowel-Sound Differentiation
Review Exercise 3-4: Finding the æ, ä, ə Sounds
Review Exercise 3-5: Reading the [æ] Sound
Review Exercise 3-6: Reading the [ä] Sound
Review Exercise 3-7: Reading the [ə] Sound
Review Exercise 4-1 : Stressed and Unstressed T
Review Exercise 4-3: Rule 1—Top of the Staircase
Review Exercise 4-4: Rule 2—Middle of the Staircase
Review Exercise 4-5: Rule 3—Bottom of the Staircase
Review Exercise 4-6: Rule 4—"Held T" Before N
Review Exercise 4-7: Rule 5—The Silent T
Review Exercise 4-10: T Combinations in Context
Review Exercise 4-11: Voiced and Unvoiced Sounds with T
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Review Exercise 5-2: Sounds Comparing L with T, D, and N
Review Exercise 5-3: Final El with Schwa
Review Exercise 5-4: Many Final Els
Review Exercise 5-5: Liaise the Ls
Review Exercise 5-7: Silent Ls
Review Exercise 5-8: Hold Your Tongue!
Review Exercise 5-9: Bill and Ellie
Review Exercise 5-11 : Final L Practice
Review Exercise 5-12: A Frontal Lobotomy?
Review Exercise 5-13: Speed-reading
Review Exercise 5-14: Tandem Reading
Review Exercise 6-1 : R Location Practice
Review Exercise 6-2: Double Vowel Sounds with R
Review Exercise 6-3: How to Pronounce Troublesome Rs
Review Exercise 6-4: Zbignlew's Epsilon List
Review Exercise 6-5: R Combinations
Review Exercise 6-6: Roy the Rancher
Review Exercise C: Modifying Descriptive Phrases
Review Exercise D: Modifying Set Phrases
Review Exercise E:Two- and Three-Word Set Phrases
Review Exercise F: Three-Word Phrase Summary
Review Exercise I: Multiple Modifiers with Set Phrases
Review Exercise J: Compound Intonation of Numbers
Review Exercise K: Modifying Three-Word Set Phrases
Review Exercise L: Three Word Phrase Story—The Amazing Rock Soup
Review Exercise M: Building Up to Five-Word Phrases
Review Exercise 7-1: The Thing
Noun Intonation Summary
Rule 1: New Information
Rule 2: Old Information
Rule 3: Contrast
Rule 4: Opinion
Rule 5: Negation (Can't)
Review Exercise 8-1 : Comparing [u] and [ü]
Review Exercise 8-2: Lax Vowels
Review Exercise 8-4: Bit or Beat? Bid or Bead?
Review Exercise 8-5: Tense and Lax Vowel Review Exercise
Review Exercise 8-6: Middle "I" List
Review Exercise 8-10: [ü] Paragraph
Review Exercise 8-11: [u] Paragraph
Review Exercise 9-1: Mind Your Vees
Review Exercise 10-1: S or Z?
Review Exercise 10-2: Sally at the Seashore
Review Exercise 10-3: Fuzzy Wuzzy
Review Exercise 11-1: Tense Vowels
Review Exercise 11-3: Lax Vowels
Review Exercise 11-7: Compound Nouns and Complex Verbs
Review Exercise 12-1: Nasal Consonants
Review Exercise 12-2: Ending Nasal Consonants
Review Exercise 12-3: Reading Nasal Consonant Sounds
Review Exercise 13-1: Throaty Consonants
Review Exercise 13-2: The Letter X
Review Exercise 13-3: Reading the H, K, G, NG, and R sounds
Nationality Guides
Important Point
Chinese Intonation Summary
Location of the Language
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The Japanese R = The American T
Location of the Language
Word Endings
The Spanish S = The American S, But...
The Spanish R = The American T
The -ed Ending
The Final T
The Spanish D = The American Th (voiced)
The Spanish of Spain Z or C = The American Th (unvoiced)
The Spanish I = The American Y (not j)
The Doubled Spanish A Sound = The American O, All or AW Spelling
The Spanish O = The American OU
Location of the Language
Location of the Language
The Russian R = The American Т
Location in the Mouth
Word Connections
The Korean R = The American T
Answer Key
Exercise 1-4: Sentence Intonation Test
Exercise 1-15: Application of Stress
Exercise 1-17: Staircase Intonation Practice
Exercise 1-29: Making Set Phrases
Exercise 1-35: Contrast of Compound Nouns
Exercise 1-36: Description and Set Phrase Test
Exercise 1-48: Regular Transitions of Adj. and Verbs
Exercise 1-23: Syllable Count Test
Exercise 1-51: Extended Listening Practice
Exercise 1-60: Tag Endings
Exercise 2-4: Consonant / Vowel Liaisons
Exercise 2-8: Consonant / Consonant Liaisons
Exercise 2-9: Vowel / Vowel Liaisons
Exercise 2-11 : T, D, S, or Z Liaisons
Exercise 2-12: Finding Liaisons and Glides
Exercise 2-16: Liaison Staircases
Exercise 3-2: Finding [æ], [ä] and [ə] Sounds
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Exercise 4-12: Finding American T Sounds
Exercise 1-51: Extended Listening Practice
Exercise 5-6: Finding L Sounds
Exercise 6-7: Finding the R Sound
Review Exercise B: Intonation Review Test
Exercise 7-2: Targeting the TH Sound
Exercise 8-8: Finding Reduced Sounds
Exercise 9-3: Finding V Sounds
Exercise 10-5: Finding S and Z Sounds
Exercise 11-2 and 11-4: Finding Tense (a, e, æ) and Lax Vowel Sounds (i, ə)
Exercise 12-4: Finding [n] and [ng] Sounds
Exercise 13-4: Glottal Consonant Practice
Review Section Answer Key
Review Ex. 1-4: Sentence Intonation Test
Review Ex. 1-35: Contrast of Compound Nouns
Review Ex. 1-36: Description and Set Phrase Test
Review Ex. 1-48: Adjective and Verb Transitions
Review Ex. 1-51: Extended Listening Practice
Review Ex. 1-60: Tag Endings
Review Ex. 2-4: Cons. / Vowel Liaison Practice
Review Ex. 2-8: Cons. / Cons. Liaison Practice
Review Ex. 2-9: Vowel / Vowel Liaison Practice
Review Ex. 2-11 : T, D, S, or Z Liaison Practice
Review Ex. 2-12: Finding Liaisons and Glides
Review Ex. 3-4: Finding the æ, ä, ə, and d Sounds
Table of Contents
Introduction: Read This First........................... iv
A Few Words On Pronunciation ................................. vii
Preliminary Diagnostic Analysis .................................. x
Chapter 1 American Intonation ....................................1
Staircase Intonation ...................................................... 5
Syllable Stress ............................................................ 19
Complex Intonation.................................................... 23
Two-Word Phrases...................................................... 24
Grammar in a Nutshell ............................................... 35
The Miracle Technique ............................................... 46
Reduced Sounds ......................................................... 48
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Word Groups and Phrasing......................................... 56
Chapter 2 Word Connections..................................... 59
Chapter 3 Cat? Caught? Cut? .................................... 71
Chapter 4 The American T ........................................ 77
Chapter 5 The El........................................................85
Voice Quality .............................................................. 94
Chapter 6 The American R ........................................ 95
Follow-up Diagnostic Analysis ................................ 100
Chapters 1-6 Review and Expansion .................... 101
Two-, Three- and Four-Word Phrases....................... 108
Chapter 7 Tee Aitch ................................................ 118
Chapter 8 More Reduced Sounds ........................... 121
Middle I List............................................................. 125
Intonation and Attitude ............................................. 128
Chapter 9 "V" as in Victory.................................... 129
Chapter 10 S or Z? ................................................. 131
Chapter 11 Tense and Lax Vowels ......................... 135
Grammar in a Bigger Nutshell.................................. 138
Chapter 12 Nasal Consonants ................................ 145
Chapter 13 Throaty Consonants............................. 147
Final Diagnostic Analysis......................................... 150
Chapters 1-13 Review and Expansion ................. 151
Nationality Guides.............................................. 172
Chinese ..................................................................... 173
Japanese.................................................................... 177
Spanish ..................................................................... 180
Indian........................................................................ 183
Russian ..................................................................... 186
French....................................................................... 188
German ..................................................................... 189
Korean ...................................................................... 191
Answer Key............................................................ 193
Index.......................................................................... 197