Photoshop for Right-Brainers The Art of Photo Manipulation


Brief Contents
Introduction......... xv
Chapter 1: iPhone Camera Essentials....1
Chapter 2: Customize Your iPhone Camera.......23
Chapter 3: Photoshop in Your Pocket.......45
Chapter 4: Filters, Effects, and Recipes.........71
Chapter 5: The Retro Look...97
Chapter 6: Fun and Offbeat Effects.....129
Chapter 7: Snap—and Share.... 147
Chapter 8: Your Photoblog..... 169
Chapter 9: For Inspiration... 185
Index...197Contents in Detail
Introduction .... xv
iPhone Basics.... xvi
What This Book Covers..... xvii
Chapter 1: iPhone Camera Essentials....1
Reasons to Love Your iPhone Camera .......2
Simplicity—and Limitations.......4
The iPhone’s Duo of Photography Apps .....5
Taking Photos with the Camera App ...5
QQ The Evolution of the iPhone Camera...7
Focus, Exposure, and White Balance (iPhone 3GS and iPhone 4) ......8
Macro (iPhone 3GS and iPhone 4)... 11
HDR (iPhone 4)..... 11
Flash (iPhone 4)...... 12
Front-Facing Camera (iPhone 4).. 12
Viewing Photos on Your iPhone..... 13
Up Close and Very Personal... 13
Photo Albums.. 14
The Camera Roll...... 15
Controls for Emailing and Sharing a Single Photo.... 15
Emailing, Deleting, and Copying Multiple Photos. 16
Watch a Slide Show........ 17
Faces and Events... 18
Transferring Your iPhone Photos to Your Computer ...18
Using iTunes to Sync Photos to Your iPhone.... 19
QQ iTunes, Photo Albums, and Image Resolution..21
Accessories for Your iPhone Camera Bag....21
The iPhone Photography Credo.......22
Chapter 2: Customize Your iPhone Camera...23
Building Your Dream Camera...24
A Crash Course on Photography Apps......25
Downloading Photography Apps............25
What to Consider When Buying Apps.....27
QQ Resolution, Resolution, Resolution........28
Understanding Photography App Controls......28
Settings and Options in Photography Apps....29
Organizing Your Photography Apps in Folders.....31
Using Apps to Add “Missing” Features to Your Camera....32
Burst Mode (Continuous Shooting Mode)..33
x | Contents in Detail
Low-Light and Flash Apps.........34
Better (and Bigger!) Shutter Button........35
A Print Button for Your Phone...........35
Replacement Camera Apps...... 36
QQ Avoiding Blurry Photos with an App and a Steady Hand..37
Camera Genius....40
Camera Plus Pro...... 41
Also Worth a Look....42
The Big Decision: Use the Camera App or Another App?........43
Chapter 3: Photoshop in Your Pocket...........................45
Your iPhone Is Your Darkroom......46
Enhancing—and Fixing—Your Photos with Image Editors.........46
Adobe Photoshop Express.....48
Saving Mediocre Photos from Oblivion.......49
Other Image-Editing Options with Photoshop Express........53
Using Levels to Correct Image Woes....54
Adding a Custom Frame...........55
Understanding PhotoForge’s Controls and Options....57
QQ Changing the Aspect Ratio........58
Editing Images with PhotoForge Filters and Effects........58
Retouching an Image with the Clone Stamp and Smudge Tools.......62
Iris Photo Suite.................64
Using ColorSense to Highlight a Color....64
Using Layers to Blend Images...65
Tools and Effects......66
Sharpening an Image.........68
Automatic Adjustments—and Improvements—with a Few Taps.....68
QQ Transferring Full Resolution Photos to Your iPhone...69
Auto Adjust...........70
You’ve Only Just Begun........70
Chapter 4: Filters, Effects, and Recipes....71
Powerful Filters and Effects with Photo fx......72
Using Photo fx Filters.......72
Adding Layers......... 74
Masking Images for Complex Effects......75
Painting, Retouching, and Special Effects with Paint Brushes........78
Quick and Easy Filters with FX Photo Studio......80
Contents in Detail | xi
Blur, Selective Focus, and Fake Miniature Effects.....82
Creating a Background Blur......82
Fake Miniature Model Effects......84
Selective Focus........85
AutoStitch Panorama........86
You Gotta See This!.......89
High Dynamic Range (HDR) Imaging.......90
Color Adjustments and Effects with Mill Colour.....91
Double Exposures.......92
Adding a Border or Frame to Your Photo................93
Taking Things to the Next Level with App Recipes...............94
Chapter 5: The Retro Look............97
Step into the iPhone’s Photographic Time Machine................98
To 1974—and Beyond............98
Polaroids and Instant Cameras...................................105
ClassicINSTA...... 106
The Wonderful World of Hipstamatic.........107
Quick Start with Hipstamatic........108
Selecting Your Lens, Flash, and Film........109
Taking Things to the Next Level.... 112
Re-creating the Darkroom Experience................. 116
The Fantasy Darkroom World of SwankoLab........ 116
Use Cross Process to Create Beautiful Mistakes.......... 121
Messing Up Your Pristine Images with Pic Grunger..... 122
Black-and-White Images......123
OldCamera...... 123
Spica............... 124
MonoPhix...... 124
Vint B&WResurrecting Films of the Past with Film Lab................ 126
From App to the Desktop......128
Chapter 6: Fun and Offbeat Effects...129
Toy Cameras............130
Plastic Bullet...................130
CAMERAtan............ 131
Andigraf........... 131
xii | Contents in Detail
Photo BoothsIncrediBooth.................132
Photo Booth Classic Plus.....133
Multiframe Constructions with Diptic........134
Selective Color with Color Splash......136
3D Photos with 3D Camera......138
Build a LEGO Construction with LEGO Photo......139
Comic Strips with Strip Designer...139
Monet and Picasso, via ArtCamera.................... 141
Ransom-Note Lettering with Ransom Letters........... 142
Digital Glitches and Off-the-Wall Artworks with Satromizer......... 142
Graphic Novel Sketches with ToonPAINT..................143
Photo Mashups with Juxtaposer...............144
A Psychedelic Look with PhotoTropedelic..145
Share the Love (and Laughs)...........146
Chapter 7: Snap—and Share...... 147
Crafting Your Social Networking Strategy (or Not).........148
Flickr Terminology...... 149
The Flickr App....................150
Flickit Pro.................. 151
Sharing at Photo Printing Services.................158
Geotagging and Location-Based Sharing............158
Location-Based iPhone Photography Apps...................... 159
Turning Off Geotagging............162
Photo Postcards.............164
Bill Atkinson PhotoCard Lite...............164
SodaSnap Postcards...............166
Go Postal with a Postcard Sent by the USPS................... 167
No End to Sharing.............168
Chapter 8: Your Photoblog............ 169
Deciding on a Look for Your Photoblog........ 170
Blogging Tools................... 171
Photoblogging with Tumblr................... 173
Getting Started with Tumblr
Setting Up Your Blog.............. 175
Posting to Tumblr........... 176
Using the Tumblr iPhone App........ 176
Customizing Your Blog........ 178
Exploring the Tumblr Community 179
Contents in Detail | xiii
Using WordPress for Your iPhone Photoblog..........180
Using Posterous for Your iPhone Photoblog... 181
Using Blogger for Your iPhone Photoblog............182
Seven Tips to Get People Looking at Your Photoblog.........183
Chapter 9: For Inspiration............185
Peter Belanger.................186
Jeremy Edwards..............189
Gus Gusbano.........190
Stephanie Chappe..................191
Tony Cece............192
QQ (Not Just) for Photo Professionals........ 194
The iPhoneography Community.........195
Part 1 Tools and Techniques of the Trade 1
Chapter 1 Tools for Building Your Masterpiece 3
The Photoshop Learning Curve 3
Understanding Layers 4
Using Blending Modes 4
Opacity and Fill: What’s the Difference? 8
Working with Masks 10
Sharpening Your Image: The High Pass
Filter Trick 18
Color Changing Using Channels 25
Extractions 26
Distortions and Transformations 32
Chapter 2 Techniques for Embellishing Portraits 41
Enhancing Eye Color 42
Altering Eye Color 46
Whitening Teeth 55
Removing Acne and Blemishes 57
Erasing Wrinkles 60
Reverse Cosmetics: Creating a Black Eye 62
Chapter 3 Advanced Techniques for Embellishing
Portraits 65
Digital Liposuction 65
Digital Face-Lift 70
Face-Swapping 78
Adding Hair 82
Tattoo Removal 86
Chapter 4 Techniques for Artistic Effects 97
Adding Color to Black-and-White Images 97
Applying Textures 105
Painting with Gradients 113
Lightening, Darkening, and Coloring 117
Part 2 Digital Intensive: Photography
as Art 121
Chapter 5 Landscapes and Nature 123
Symmetrical Landscaping: Digital
Manipulation 124
Patterns in the Sky: Calendar Imaging 132
Neon Reflection on Water: Perspective Art 137
Enhancing the Flora 144
Changing the Mood (Background Alteration,
Tone): Dark/Goth 148
Chapter 6 Animals 157
Comical Critter Alteration: Greeting
Card Art 157
Animal Photographic Display: Website 164
Drastically Lost Creature out of Place:
Collage 175
Crossbreeding Species: Digital
Manipulation 180
Chapter 7 Objects 187
Chrome Sphere: Digital Manipulation 188
Digital Woman: Advertising 196
Enticement: Reverse Advertising 202
Common Images in Art 207
Enhanced Close-up: Macro Art 212
vi Contents
Chapter 8 Going Beyond Canned Filters 215
Retro Photo: Aging 216
Photo to Line Art: Sketching 224
Portrait to Painting: Artistic 228
Anime Woman: Vector Art 234
Industrial Art: Photo, Paint, and Texture
Merge 245
Chapter 9 People as Art—Digital Manipulation 249
Chex-Girl: Impressionist 249
Zebra Woman: Adventures in Advertising 258
Alien Boy: Digital Distortions 264
Wicked Child: A Study in Dark Art 274
Flesh to Stone 283
Chapter 10 Displaying Your Work 291
Building a Web Photo Gallery 291
Saving Images for the Web 297
Adding Metadata to an Image 301
PDF Presentation 304
Creating a Contact Sheet 309
Creating a Picture Package 311
Photomerge 315
Appendix: Where Do You Go
from Here? 323
The Manufacturer’s Site 323
Information and Discussion Sites 323
Photoshop Groups and Organizations 324
Adobe Photoshop Tutorials Online 324
Stock Images 324